Start With Hart

jose nieves

First and foremost, welcome to HIIT HART.

My name is Jose Nieves and I’m the founder.

Now for those of you that don’t know, just really quickly, I’m a US Navy Veteran who prior to enlisting worked as a personal trainer and DIII strength and conditioning coach.

And in addition to my professional experience, I hold a Degree in Dietetics, Food and Nutrition.

Needless to say, when it comes to fitness and nutrition I can say with the utmost confidence that I know what I’m talking about.

I mean honestly I can’t tell you how many fitness fads I’ve seen come and go in the nearly two decades that I’ve been training.

And that’s in large part why I created HIIT HART.

To share what I’ve learned on this journey of self development and discovery to help guide you along yours as my mentors guided me on mine.


Because in the nearly two decades that I’ve been training, I’ve come to learn that…


Across the board, successful people share two key traits:

Discipline and Confidence!

And guess what?

Fitness is one of the biggest contributors to both!

You see when you’re disciplined with your fitness routine, you’ll find that that same discipline will start to slowly spill over into all the other areas of your life.

And as you stick with it and start to see the results, your confidence will skyrocket.

And it’s that confidence that’ll become your secret weapon in crushing your goals!

For instance, did you know that:

  • Confident individuals earn $28,000 more annually than their less confident peers (Journal of Economic Psychology).
  • 61% of high-income earners (over $100,000 annually) engage in physical activities for mental clarity and stress management (Harvard Business Review).
  • Regular exercisers are 21% more productive and have 27% fewer sick days (University of Bristol).

So, are you ready to invest in yourself?


Hey there. Welcome to HIIT HART! How can I help you today?